Set up the arcanist for Koko

  • It was pretty much easy to install. For my Archlinux just below command did the work for me.

    yaourt -S arcanist-git

  • Then I had to add .arcconfig to the Koko repository so that arc could point to the link where it should publish the changes

    { “phabricator.uri”:”” }

  • The only problem is with the SSL certificates, as the university campus wireless network uses its own self-signed certificate. This will create problem to access the ssl encrypted web content, pretty much everything related to development :P
  • Also university campus network does not allow SSH over it’s network. This will prohibit me from committing the changes to the git repository.
  • Hence to use the arcanist, everytime I will have to check for the curl.cainfo in the /etc/php/php.ini and set/unset the environment variable GIT_SSL_CAINFO depending on the network I am using.


